Local Independent Telephone Engineers

Say No to 0845 numbers! Alternative free numbers!

Say No to 0845 numbers and 0870 numbers!

Say No to 0845 numbers and 0870 numbers! Alternative FREE phone numbers are here!

Save money on your phone call charges! Say No To 0845 and 0870 numbers - It's so easy, here's how it works..

say no to 0845 Say no to 0845 and 0870 numbers

This is a really good site, been around for sometime, but for those who don’t know about it, here it is.  It’s time to saynoto0845 and cut your phone bill !


You know all these 0845 and 0870 numbers you’re given to contact your bank, or renew car insurance are chargeable to call. Well, simply scroll down and click my link Say no to 0845 or Say No To 0870 and type in the chargeable number you’ve been given, and if there’s an alternative direct line, charged at either low rate, local rate or a Freephone 0800 number, it will be listed!

Say No to Premium Rate Numbers!


You can also enter the name of your Bank, Doctors Surgery or other business you are trying to contact without using an 0845 or 0870 chargeable number. Beat the system and feel great!


Go on – give it a try next time you need to renew your car insurance or contact some big fat institution, and pay less for your phone calls 🙂 Just Say No to 0845 and Say No to 0870 – use this link below to find a cheaper number!

Click the link further down this page, then enter the name or 0845 or 0870 number of the company you want to call. You will then find any alternatives listed. Simple! SayNoTo0870 ! Find a Freephone number instead!

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Please have a look around my website! If you have Slow Broadband, untidy wiring, Internet keeps dropping or just need some help give me a call! Geoff Grove 07790 200800

Want to see if your Exchange area is Live with Fibre High Speed Broadband Service? Click below, put your postcode in, and see when YOU can have it!

Register with the BT's TPS Service..

Are you fed up with nuisance calls? Register your phone line with the BT Telephone Preference Service TPS each year and it takes your number out of circulation among companies. It’s free and takes 2 mins click below
Stop Nuisance Calls – register free here with the BT Telephone Preference Service TPS

Say NO to 0845 and 0870 numbers – Search here for a companies Low Rate Local Phone Number and save money now!